Building Your First Drone Tutorials and Supplies

Building Your First Drone - Recommended Tools and Supplies from Cyclone FPV Tutorials

How to build your first drone - What will you need? What tools should you have on had? Where is the best place to order the screws, fasteners, hex drivers and more?

This topic is probably the most asked when people contact me and I thought it was about time that I put together a little write-up on what I recommend. Please understand that the information contained here is based on my ordering experience and my success with the items ordered. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

Please note that this was just created on April 8th 2019 and will be updated each day with items, videos explaining each item, and more descriptions to go with each item. If you have any suggestions, please email me. 

Screws and Fasteners:

Screw Drivers, Hex Drivers, Nut/Fastener Drivers:

Heat Shrink and Zip Ties:

    Landing Pads, LiPo Pads, Motor Wrenches:

    Water Proofing:

    Wires and Wire Strippers:

    Solder and Solder Supplies:

    Hot Glue and Tape:

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