News is moving and making changes.. is moving and making changes..

There is no doubt that was not prepared for the influx of customers during our TBS sale. While I was very pleased to see the product move quickly, I was deeply concerned about all the negative feedback I received in regards to the website I had put together. 

One thing is for certain, the input and advice (no matter how harsh) was accurate and required immediate intervention. I stopped all other work and focussed on bringing you, my clients, the best mobile and desktop experience I could.

What I decided:

The first thing was to make sure that I found a resource that specialized in mobile and desktop development. After looking at many of the websites you all referenced, I decided to reach out to Shopify and see if they could help. Turns out they had just what I need to get started and I was off and running in no time. 

What will happen next:

The first thing I need to make clear is that I am leaving the entire inventory list behind and starting fresh. This means new pictures, new write-ups, and most of all, new pricing structures to bring savings to all of you. I am going to make sure the products are pictures properly, with better lighting, less obstruction, and most of all, easier access to view from your mobile device. 

What about my account:

One of the main things that I am doing is focussing on starting fresh and that means removing all previous account data. The main reason for this is to ensure that any issues tied to the old website do not come over. I want you to experience a fresh start and part of this requires me to leave all the old data behind. 

Will this impact my order history:

Your previous orders will not come over. They will remain in a database that I have downloaded so there will be no loss of data in regards to your previous transactions. The only thing you will want to make note of is that all transactions prior to August 25, 2018 will not be available for online access. You can always contact me and I can review the data. This is not an issue. 

I will continue to update all of you in regards to the changes that are coming but trust me when I say that I appreciate all of the input (harsh or kind) as this is the only way I can better my services to you. 


Tarek Maalouf

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