FrSky R9Slim+ Setup SBus and Telemetry on F4 HobbyWing and HGLRC
Testing with HGLRC Airbus F4 - Target OmnibusF4
- Red - 5V
- Black - Gnd
- Grey - SBus
- Yellow - TX3
- Orange - RSSI Pad
- CLI Settings:
- set tlm_inverted = on
- set tlm_halfduplex = on
- (note that after testing with it on, I turned off inversion and the telemetry still worked)
- (note that I set halfduplex = off and telemetry failed - so that must be on)
- (note - green wire did not work for this. Must use yellow tx1 wire)
Testing with HobbyWing F4G2 - Target OmnibusF4SD
- Red - 5V
- Black - Gnd
- Grey - SBus
- Yellow - TX 3
- Orange - RSSI Pad
- CLI Settings:
- Same As Above
Additional Information:
Un-Inverted Signals from FrSky can be read by UARTS that are specifically meant to accept this signal type. UART1 (or whichever UART is reserved for your SBUS Input) is able to handle the un-inverted signal for F4 boards. However, The other UARTS are not capable of inverting the signal so you will have to do one of two things:
- You will need to create a Soft Serial TX Port (for Telemetry)
- You will need to convert the signal to inverted
It is important to nose that F1 and F3 Boards do not need this. Here are a few receivers that can help:
- R9Mini - Un-Inverted SPort (attach with Soft Serial)
- R9MM - Inverted and Un-Inverted SPort (attach Inverted to UART RX)
- R9Slim - Inverted and Un-Inverted (Green Un-Inverted - Yellow Inverted)
If you have an un-inverted signal and you want to connect it to your FC, I recommend that you simply activate the Soft Serial Feature as shown in the video.
If you have an inverted signal, simply connect it to the UARTRX that is available on your FC and set the Transmitting to SmartPort in your Ports Tab.
Hope this helps folks but if you have questions, please click here to contact me and I will do my best to answer quickly.